Useful Information

This page contains links to many useful sites covering a wide range of subjects across learning to drive and advice for after you pass, feel free to browse and if you see something that you think others should know about let me know and I will add it.

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Driving Test Cancellations NOW

Beath the waiting list!

Driving Test Genie - Cancellation Finder

Save money and get driving sooner by booking an earlier driving test!

Collingwood - Short-Term Learner Driver Insurance

We can offer short-term learner driver insurance for drivers aged 17-65, starting from seven days to 24 weeks - with the ability to select cover type in conjunction with our partner Collingwood.

Distracted Driving

Driving distracted is very dangerous as it diverts the driver's attention away from the road, increasing the likelihood of accidents and collisions. Activities like texting or talking on the phone can significantly impair reaction times, posing a serious risk to the driver, passengers, and others on the road. We made a new guide that talks about many different activities that can be distracting, including things you may not even realize are diverting your attention from the road

50 Causes of Distracted Driving


What first comes to mind when you think about school bus transportation? Perhaps it’s the orange or yellow color, the sound of one passing by your home, or the dot moving on the map on your phone as you watch your child’s commute to school. What may not yet come to mind, however, is a quiet, emissions-free electric school bus.

Find the Lowest Fuel Prices in Your Area

Comparing fuel prices allows you to find some of the cheapest places to fill up nearby, so you’re not paying more than you need to.

While there may only be a few pence per litre difference, that all adds up when it comes to the total amount you top up by, especially if you have a larger vehicle. 

Understand Car Tech

Here's a quick guide to car tech that is becoming more and more commonplace on today's cars. 

Electric Cars Will Be The Future

GRIDSERVE is pioneering sustainable energy solutions that are kinder to your wallet and kinder to our world. 

A Handy Guide to Learner Driver Insurance

It’s an exciting time if you’ve just got your provisional licence and are about to take to the road. But it can be a confusing and expensive time, too. Fear not – we’re here to help.

Don't get scammed when booking your driving test

I always warn pupils to ensure they book their tests on the official government website to avoid scammers and this is why. My worldwide hunt for the driving test villains who ripped off my teenage son: How TOBY WALNE tried to track down those behind a copycat sting.

Simple mistake means you can be fined £2,500 even though your MoT is in date

This time last year the MoT rules changed. But while many of the changes are about how the test works, rather than its impact on you, there's one that could see you lose a very large amount of cash. That's because under the new rules how vehicles are classed after a test was altered. As a result, you can be landed with a fine of £2,500 for driving your car even if your old certificate is valid. In the past, as long as your car was deemed roadworthy, you could keep driving it even after it failed, provided your old MoT was still in date. But now the second your car fails it can be deemed "dangerous", and driving a car rated as that means a fine of up to £2,500 and three points on your licence

Driving test success - everything that impacts whether you pass or fail

Passing your driving test is still seen as a key milestone for many young people, a first taste of true independence. No longer do you have to rely on public transport or lifts from an understanding parent - you can take control of your own travel. But passing that test isn't easy. With an average overall pass rate of less than 50%, most people on Britain’s roads have at least one driving test disaster behind them. There are plenty of factors that come into play when it comes to how likely you are to pass your test, beyond how competent you are at parallel parking.

Child Car Seat Safety

Car seats are seats installed into a vehicle that are specifically designed to protect infants and children in the event of a crash. According to the National Highway and Transport Safety Administration (NHTSA), the installation of car seats saved the lives of 328 children under the age of five in 2016.

Will your car pass its MOT?

Listed below are the main elements that are checked as part of the MOT test. Nearly half of all faults found during MOT checks could be avoided by carrying out simple maintenance, so it's worthwhile checking items like lights, wiper blades and tyres beforehand so that your vehicle has the best chance of passing first time!

5 Vital Car Safety Tips for Kids

Cars and kids can be a dangerous combination. Taking proper precautions to be sure that your child is safe in and around cars and reduce his risk of injury or death. Being aware of potential dangers and knowing how to properly protect your child can help to create a safer environment for your child. While most parents are aware of importance of buckling up and driving responsibility, it never hurts to review car safety tips for kids.

The Dangers of using a Mobile Phone behind the Wheel

This guide offers very helpful information about road safety and the dangers of using a mobile phone behind the wheel. It also includes most commonly asked questions by drivers who are concerned about using their phone or staying safe on the roads.

Young Car Driver

A site aimed at learner drivers and inexperienced motorists, with lots of tips and safety advice (how to budget for a used car, how to drive safely in the winter, and so on).

Good Egg Guide for New Drivers

Thinking of learning to drive? This site has some info to get you going. You can also find out more on my Guide to Learning to Drive slideshow, just click the sidebar.

Information and Tips for Parents Helping Their Children Practise

To all parents and pupils out there, want some great tips on how to get the most from your practice sessions and avoid getting too stressed with each other? Take a look at this great new site which has loads of really useful help and advice :-)

New website to help road users improve their skills

rolled out in 4 phases. It will hold useful, interesting and interactive material for: learners, experienced drivers and riders, instructors, professional drivers and riders

The Cost of Learning to Drive

Take a look at the estimate of the costs of learning to drive and then remember that on average pupils pass with me less than 35 hours of lessons, that could save you about £250!

6 Step Guide to Learning to Drive

Everyone gets a little nervous when it comes to learning to drive. But fear not, because MoneySupermarket is on hand to offer guidance on how to achieve your aim of becoming a fully-qualified motorist.

The Honest Truth

Take a few moments to think about the dangers you can face if you don't act sensibly with your speed, drink, seatbelts or insurance.

PassPlus Car Insurance Discounts

The attached links is updated regularly to advise which insurance companies currently recognise PassPlus and give a discount on their premiums as a result.

Flashing Headlights - Wat's the problem?

You know from your lessons that you should only flash your headlights to warn of your presence, yet you frequently see drivers flashing for other reasons, confusing? This article covers the issue and hopefully will help you understand why it can be dangerous and why you should not let a bad habit develop - don't be a 'flasher'!

Pass Your Driving Test/Driving Nerves

Worried that nerves may affect your chances of success for your driving test? This superb high quality hypnotherapy CD by the UKs best selling hypnotherapist Glenn Harrold, combines powerful clinical hypnotherapy techniques with state of the art digital recording technology.

Have first aid at your fingertips with the Red Cross' first aid mobile app

If a friend or family member was having a heart attack or was choking, would you know how to help them? The free app features simple, easy advice on 18 everyday first aid scenarios, as well as tips on how to prepare for emergencies, from severe winter weather to road traffic accidents. With videos, interactive quizzes and simple step-by-step advice, it’s never been easier to learn first aid.

Travis School of Motoring

A recommended independent driving school for those wanting to learn in the Milton Keynes area.

Driver Training Today Forum 

A forum for learners, tutors and examiners to exchange ideas, share information and answer queries.

Learners and New Drivers and Riders

Find out about learning to drive and book your tests online.