Covid-19 Lesson Precautions

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments are not simply to comply with the law, It’s a mistake many businesses make. They are intended to keep everyone safe and healthy, be they employee or customer. The latest Covid-19 Risk Assessment for Select Driving School can be viewed here which shows that the Control Measures proposed reduce the overall risk score by ~54% from a total of 315 to 145. I have also completed a course in Infection Prevention and Control including specific Covid-19 training.

There are 7 Control Measures

Control stages to consider for ADIs during COVID-19

1. Communicating with the client before the lesson

2. Preparing the car

3. Face to face meeting before the client enters the car

4. Entering the vehicle

5. The driving lesson itself

6. After the lesson

7. A follow up with the pupil

Communicating with pupil before the lesson

· If an instructor has had any symptoms of the virus within the last 7 days or has been in contact with someone who has within the last 14 days, they must not give lessons to clients.

· Text/call before lesson. Has client had any symptoms or been in contact with anyone with symptoms.

· Client needs to wash hands for at least 20 seconds before leaving the house.

· Both need to wear suitable clothing covering arms & legs, also as car maybe cooler/hotter due to open windows.

· Both consider using Gov tracing app when available.

Preparing the car

· Before each lesson and after last lesson, car must be cleaned down inside & out using anti bac/viral cleaner or disinfectant.

· Instructors must wash or sanitise hands after cleaning but must not enter clients house to do so. Sanitise hands as frequently as possible.

· Beaded seat covers that are difficult to clean between lessons should be avoided.

· A supply of bin bags kept in car for tissues/wipes etc. dispose using Gov guidelines.

· A supply of gloves & masks kept in car to be used if required. Dispose using Gov guidelines

· Plastic screen dividers should not be used, in case airbag deployed. Adaptation to car.

Face to face meeting

· Meet client outside car, 2 metres apart.

· Don’t shake hands, assess client is well enough to continue, if symptoms occur during lesson, finish immediately until they are fully recovered. Note the date.

· Ask if washed hands and explain to avoid now touching face.

· Explain to pupil how the car has been sanitised.

· Explain about procedure in car, if coughing etc.

· Instructor can talk though lesson plan, weather permitting.

Entering the vehicle

· If wearing gloves (optional) put them on just before entering the car, take off directly after exiting, hands still need to be washed. Some people have latex allergy so check with client

The driving lesson itself

· Don’t handle licences, get client to hold up. Visual aids/pens must not be shared. Hold up. If shared must be cleaned straight after.

· Wherever possibly give notes digitally.

· Avoid giving face to face discussions. Face forward as cannot maintain 2 metre distance.

· Car windows/roof should be opened for ventilation. Beware this may cause more noise.

· Avoid using air-con if possible, if it is used don’t set on recirculate.

· Parents, guardians or friends must not sit in.

· Face masks should be changed frequently and disposed of safely/responsibly. Cloth masks must be washed daily at 60 degrees centigrade and above. (Masks optional)

· If using a demo drive/or taking action, wipe down controls before/after.

· Where possible avoid handling cash, use electronic payments/receipts.

· Remind client to wash hands after, and to inform you during the week if they are unwell or have been in contact with someone unwell.

· Bin bag containing any wipes/tissues must be double bagged and changed after each lesson and disposed of using Gov guidelines.

After the lesson

· Wash clothes as soon as you have finished work for the day.

· Shower/Bath after.

· Be mindful of how the car is being used in-between lessons/after lessons.

Follow up with the client

· In-between lessons call/text client to check if they have had any symptoms of the virus within the last 7 days, if they have lesson must be cancelled.

· Check if they have been in contact with anyone that is showing symptoms or has been doing so within the last 14 days, if so, lesson must be cancelled.

Risk Assessments are ever evolving so need to be updated regularly.

ADIs can refer to the documents on the NASP website for more help.

Many thanks to Steve Howe from Let's Instruct Driving School for his help on this vital topic

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